31st October - 9th November
It's been a very busy ten days for us in the field and elsewhere, it's seen two mega rarities and perhaps more significantly two new hides built by Gilleard's at Gretchen and Ancum replacing the two lost to bad weather and wear and tear! There's an end of season feeling to things at the moment, but the birds don't seem to be in agreement, and keep throwing us curveballs! I'll try and keep this brief and get onto the good stuff! The final day in October had very little to write home about, but the following day saw November kick off with a Lapland Bunting over Greenspot, Glaucous Gulls at Torness and Trolla, a Brent Goose at Bewan and the first of what would be a run of Great Shearwaters passed the sea-watch hide; while a Yellow-browed Warbler remained in Ancum Willows. The 2nd was dominated by a star-studded sea-watch, A Fea's-type Petrel passing at 11:55 would be followed by a Pomarine Skua, a Great Shearwater and Cory's Shearwater. The next day was s...