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Winter update and 1st March - 3rd March sightings

It has been a quiet winter for sightings, with all volunteers having left the island on 15th November, closely followed by George and Maddy at the beginning of December. With staff away to various locations around the globe; namely Tasmania, South Africa, and the Canary Islands, it took until the beginning of March and the return of Alison, George, and Maddy before sightings were more frequently logged. The most notable sightings before this period included a Kestrel knocking about the north end of the island, a Sparrowhawk in Holland, and a Black-throated Diver in Nouster. A brief trip round the island in the van on 2nd March produced our first 'white-winger' of the year, although not in the condition we would have liked; an adult Glaucous Gull was found dead on the bank of Bewan. The first Pink-footed Goose of the year was logged at Howar. The following day saw more of the island covered, despite the howling south-westerly wind, with two Pink-feet now at Howar, and 18 Snow Bu...

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