24th - 28th July

The biggest highlight over the past few days has been a moulting adult American Golden Plover, found originally on 24th but seen in the same field near Upper Linnay up until 27th. However the addition of cows to its favoured field may have pushed the bird off to a different island location.

The American Golden Plover has had a supporting cast of other nice July waders, including two Green Sandpiper (one at Bewan and one at Brides) on 25th, a Wood Sandpiper on Ancum from 26th, and a Greenshank over the standing stone on 28th. The Roseate Tern made a reappearance in the much larger Arctic Tern colony near Grind on 26th, which, with almost 1000 terns present made for quite challenging viewing!

The annual North Ronaldsay Sheep festival is well underway, with staff favourite activities such as the highly anticipated islanders vs. visitors football match and Ceilidh keeping everyone entertained.

American Golden Plover - Maddy Hine

American Golden Plover with Oystercatcher - Maddy Hine

Wood Sandpiper - Maddy Hine
