2nd - 5th October

It has been a pretty exciting couple of days with some nice stand out birds to keep the distinct lack of common migrants off our minds.

The 2nd was a rather busy day with a total of two Barred Warbler, one Rosefinch, one Lesser Whitethroat, 12 Blackcap, 16 Yellow-browed Warbler, seven Chiffchaff, two acredula Willow Warbler, and two Goldcrest. There was a notable increase in thrushes over the island, with a total of 31 Redwing and four Song Thrush. Elsewhere, two Whooper Swan were seen going south of Holland and an Otter was seen at Twingness. Grey Wagtail were present at Senness and Bridesness, a Brambling was at the Obs, a Stonechat was at Meadowpow, and a total of 14 Snow Bunting were present on island along with two Lapland Bunting in the Shooting Gallery. The highlight of the day was a Little Bunting originally seen and heard calling as it dropped down near Cursitter. The bird eventually ended up near the school before seemingly disappearing, only to turn up in one of the nets in Holland shortly after!

The highlight on 3rd was a Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler trapped in Holland early morning, with a close second coming from a Lanceolated Warbler found in the docs at Senness. The bird gave some great views mousing about between clumps of grass. Another highlight was two Brent Geese in Nouster, a nice addition to the year list. Elsewhere there were four Redpoll, ten Jackdaw, one Lapland Bunting, six Goldcrest, one Willow Warbler, four Chiffchaff, ten Yellow-browed Warbler, nine Blackcap, one Lesser Whitethroat, 15 Robin, one Whinchat, and one Barred Warbler. Nine Whooper Swan roamed the island. 

On 4th the Brent Geese remained in Nouster, and a Stonechat was on the Obs track. A Black Redstart was at Holland, a Lapland Bunting flew north over the Standing Stone, and a Siskin was at Senness. Seven "Whopper" Swans were opposite Dennishill and the Long-billed Dowitcher was again on Trolla. The Highlight of the day was a Booted Warbler feeding out in the open at the Trolla punds. The Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler was seen again briefly in Holland. The best of the rest included eight Robin, one Barred Warbler, ten Blackcap, three Yellow-browed Warbler, three Chiffchaff, one Willow Warbler, seven Goldcrest, four Brambling, two Chaffinch, two Redpoll, one Lapland Bunting, 20 Snow Bunting, one Black-throated Diver and two Jackdaw. 

The 5th was a much quieter day, starting off with two Jackdaw over Greenspot. A Black Redstart was at the School, the Long-billed Dowitcher was again on Trolla, and the Brent Geese were seen at Howar before relocating to Gretchen. The Barred Warbler was again at Obs and a Jack Snipe was flushed near to Holland. The Booted Warbler had relocated to Senness. 

                                                                Lanceolated Warbler - GG 
                                                                   Booted Warbler - GG 
                                                                    Booted Warbler - GG 
