13th-16th May

 It's been an interesting few days with a near constant trickle of migrants coming in on a stiff easterly breeze, a bit of rain would probably bring us a bit more but we won't complain just yet!

The 13th started with a Cuckoo at Ancum and the previous days Dotterel pair Cringlamane still present. Next up was a Long-eared Owl at Holland House and a Short-eared Owl at the Shooting Gallery, a Wood Sandpiper was on Ancum and our first 2 Crossbill of the year were at Waterhouse. The first of a run of male Red-backed Shrikes was then at Longar in the afternoon and a Whinchat was at Ancum. 

The next day was a far quieter affair with a smattering of commoner migrants including Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat. A Spotted Flycatcher and female Black Redstart in Holland were the stand-out birds.

The 15th saw 2 Lesser Redpoll at Longar, a Dunnock and Whitethroat at Brigg before a female Red-backed Shrike was discovered at Bewan, it was later trapped and ringed in Holland. The day finished with a male Stonechat at the obs.

The 16th happened to be the pick of the bunch, a male Nightjar was caught in Holland in the early parts of the morning before the morning seemed to ebb away a little bit, it wasn't until after lunchtime that a Quail was flushed from deep cover in the Shooting Gallery that the gears started to move. There seemed to be a influx of Red-backed Shrikes in the afternoon with at least five seen throughout the afternoon, however that number may be as high as 7 or 8! The day finished with a potential 'one that gone away' story as a Nightingale sp. was heard giving brief snippets of song in the Surgery garden. It only sang properly once and although a bit frustrating hopefully it will resurface today!

                                                                           Nightjar - GG
                                                                    Red-backed Shrike - GG
