29th - 30th May

29th saw the last day of easterlies forecast for the foreseeable future so we knew it would be one of our last chances to eek some rarities out of the current spell of weather. The day started strong when an Ortolan Bunting was flushed from the gravelled area at Trebb, calling as it flew out south towards the Old Kirk. Unfortunately that would be all we saw of the bird as despite extensive searching of the south end of the island it could not be relocated. We weren't left disappointed for too long though, as mid-afternoon the third island record of Stone-Curlew was flushed from the tideline at Lenswick. The bird was quickly relocated by Breck and gave good views at it toured across Westness and landed on Tor Ness. This represents the fourth record for Orkney. Also added to the year list was Garganey, when a female flew from Westness, and Tree Sparrow, one at Lurand and one at the airfield. Elsewhere on the island were three Collared Dove, three Woodpigeon, 2 Short-eared Owl, one Swift, one Redstart, five Icterine Warbler, one Lesser Whitethroat, one Common Whitethroat, 13 Garden Warbler, six Spotted Flycatcher, eight Red-backed Shrike, two Nightjar, and one Pink-footed Goose.

There was a big clear out on 30th with nothing much to report, mainly low numbers of birds already present. We were down to two Red-backed Shrike, four Icterine Warblers, six Garden Warbler, one Spotted Flycatcher, one Tree Sparrow, one Canada Goose, and one Pink-footed Goose.

The year list now stands at 178.

Stone-Curlew (MEH)

Stone-Curlew with the Lighthouse (MEH)
