3rd June

Despite the lack of any favourable winds it was pretty clear from the onset of a pleasant and sunny 3rd that there had been a moderate arrival of birds. Each net-round at Holland gardens saw a new Warbler seen or caught and cumulative totals for the day came too 3 Lesser Whitethroats, 11 Garden and 12 Willow Warblers. The Veery was also still present there but typically elusive while considerably more obliging was the smart singing male Bluethroat just north of Gretchen Loch. Also seen were singles of Robin, Black Redstart and Ring Ouzel, 4 Common Redpolls and the Lapland Bunting remained while non-passerines included an unseasonal Pink-footed Goose, 15 Knot, a Little Gull and Short-eared Owl.

 Bluethroat (2 photos Stephen Rutt)
