12th October
Geese were heading south in the morning with 105 barnacle geese, 54 pink-footed geese and 146 greylag geese, whilst other wildfowl today included 20 whooper swan on Ancum Loch and a long-tailed duck in Linklet Bay. Also in Linklet Bay were 2 red-throated diver and 2 great-northern diver, with another 2 of the latter in Nouster Bay. Remaining from yesterday were 10 brambling, a siskin and a chiffchaff, though a few new migrants had appeared with a whinchat near Hooking and a ring ouzel at Westness. Thrushes were coming in off the sea in the afternoon with a final count of 160 redwing and 3 song thrush, whilst robins had increased to 4 and snow bunting to 162. Also seen today were a jack snipe by the Observatory, 2 grey plover at Bridesness, 5 wheatear and a hen harrier.
