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12th - 17th September

Things have remained quiet but have continued ticking over in the last few days. Highlights from 12th include a Blackcap and Garden Warbler in the Trolla pund, a Lapland Bunting remained at Howar, a Scaup was on Garso, and a Red-breasted Flycatcher remained at Barrenha'. The highlight of the day was a Fea's-type Petrel that cruised north past the sea watch hide at 1300. We are currently in the process of trying to nail a definitive ID for this bird, so hopefully more news on this soon... A sea watch on 13th produced a total of three Great Shearwater, over 300 Sooty Shearwater, 50 Manx Shearwater, one Long-tailed Skua, and one adult Little Gull. On the land, the bird of the day was the returning Long-billed Dowitcher near Bewan, presumed to be the same bird from the spring that had been on Sanday in previous days. Elsewhere, a Peregrine was around the obs, and the Red-breased Flycatcher remained at Barrenha'. The Long-billed Dowitcher remained on 14th, and were accompanied b

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