12th - 13th June

We finally have some birds to report with two new additions to the year list in the past two days. With the weather turning slowly more tasty, we can't help but start feeling excited despite a bad cold being passed round the staff lounge!

12th started well with a female Greater Scaup turning up on Bewan, and continued to provide when a female Red-baked Shrike was seen at Ancum. An afternoon sea watch produced the real goodies though, with the first Storm Petrel of the year passing north as well as a second calendar year blonde Long-tailed Skua; a very smart bird and an exciting addition to the year list. Totals from the 3.5hr sea watch on 12th were 1015 Auk sp., 76 Manx Shearwater, four Storm Petrel, two Great Northern Diver, two Red-throated Diver, four Arctic Skua, two Great Skua, and ~350 Sterna. 

13th started with another sea watch, with 33 Manx Shearwater, five Storm Petrel, 35 Common Scoter, 1102 Auk sp., 86 Gannet, four Arctic Skua, and three Great Skua passing the sea watch hide in 1.5hrs. With the wind slowly picking up and turning more easterly over the day, the number of migrants also increased. Three Siskin, one Chiffchaff, one Tree Sparrow, and one Robin were in Holland Garden, two Goldfinch flew south over T5, and a Swift, Collared Dove, and smart male Ruff were all in the Ancum area. The day proved to be decent for raptors too, with a Hen Harrier over Holland in the morning, and a Merlin and Sparrowhawk being seen in the afternoon.

Greater Scaup (MEH)

Long-tailed Skua (MEH)


The Pricy said…

It's great to see new bird additions like the female Greater Scaup and Red-backed Shrike! Your detailed sea watch notes are fascinating. If you're in need of some stylish outerwear for your birding adventures, check out The Pricy for an affordable leather jacket to keep you warm and trendy!