17th December - 2nd January

Present through December were 100 fieldfare and 11 redwing, plus a minimum of 5 Robins and the odd chiffchaff. The canada goose and pink-footed goose remain and up to 4 hen harriers are regularly seen and a Long-eared owl was at Sennes. Notable migrants have included both waxwing and goldfinch since Christmas day, a common buzzard since late December, and stonechat on 1st. 40 dunlin are amongst the golden plover flock, a peregrine flew through on 2nd, occasional glaucous gull and iceland gull are seen and 2 knot and a grey plover have been at Haskie.


dafi saidā€¦
Its a bit disapointing that the posts have dropped away. Theres been lots of interesting sightings that have had me out looking across the west mainland from your blog. I hope you get back to it.