17th May
The male subalpine warbler was still at Rue, a total of 6 bluethroats included 4 new birds and 5 dotterel were seen at various sites on the island. An icterine warbler was at Holland and other warblers consisted 3 wood, 35 willow, 6 chiffchaff, 3 blackcap, 10 lesser whitethroat and 15 whitethroat. After a single yesterday, a good count of 4 grey-headed wagtails were seen plus 2 flava sp. A ring ouzel was in the north and some noteworthy spring counts today included 10 common sandpiper, 11 whinchat, 13 tree pipit and 13 house martin. Also seen were 17 whimbrel, 2 curlew sandpiper, 119 swallow, 3 sand martin, a dunnock, 16 redstart, 1 stonechat, a fieldfare, 3 song thrush, 18 spotted and 7 pied flycatcher.
