13th to the 27th April

Things were pretty quiet upto the 20th with just the odd Chiffchaff and Dunnock seeming the only birds that could make it through the persistent north-westerly winds, although we did get our first Whimbrel of the year on the 18th. The sound of Pink-feet heralded the 20th when 465 were counted, this had risen to 924 by the 23rd and they were accompanied by 53 Barnacles and a pale- bellied Brent. The first Swallow was seen on the 23rd after which they became regular peaking at 21 on the 27th. The 25th produced the first Lesser Whitethroat(2) and Blackcap and the 26th saw the first Arctic Skua, Arctic Tern and Sand Martin. A bit of a fall on the 27th saw 175 Wheatear around the island along with a Sparrowhawk, a Cuckoo, 7 Sand Martin, 7 Willow Warbler and 3 Chiffchaff. The Ring-necked Duck was present throughout.


Anonymous saidā€¦
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Alastair saidā€¦
Twas the evening of the 23rd when Pinkies were pouring through here -


and RM had good numbers at Costa at the same time.
