28th March
A White-billed Diver, the first real rarity of the year, was found on the sea off Tor Ness during the morning. It was considered to be a young bird, but it soon drifted further out to sea.
Unfortunately, the White-billed Diver didn't linger long enough for photos to be taken, but a picture of a Rook is almost as interesting. No?
This species has been about annual at North Ronaldsay in recent years, with most records occuring in April.
Nine Great Northern Divers and 8 Red-throated Divers were also seen off the west coast, while a Great Skua and a Sandwich Tern also passed by. A Jackdaw was another new species for the year, a flock of 15 Ravens flew south over the island and a couple of Common Redpolls and a Siskin also arrived. Meadow Pipits further increased to 29, and Pied Wagtails to 19; and the Peregrine and Rook remained.
