A New North Ronaldsay Year-list Record!

Since early in the spring, an aim of ours has been to record more species on the island in 2011 than have been seen in any other year. The previous best year-list was an impressive 215 species seen in 2003, but we thought that, with a bit of extra observer coverage, this was a reachable target.

Now, after carefully double-checking the list, we can proudly announce that 2011 has officially been the best ever birding year on North Ron. The Firecrest earlier in the week was species number 216 for the year, while Dusky Warbler and Baird's Sandpiper have since taken the list to a record-smashing 218! With two months still to go, and quality birds still arriving, just how high can we set the year-listing bar?

And we've still not had a Buzzard.


MalFife saidā€¦
Well done guys!!
Brilliant work. Just reward for all your hard work in the field, never mind bar duties!!!!!