6th February
After a couple of days without any Iceland Gull sightings at least 3 were seen today, the most interesting of which was an immature that was either a very dark individual or a 'Kumlien's' Gull at Gravity briefly in the morning before flying south. An adult near the Airfield was also a new bird wheras a 2nd winter near the lighthouse was probably lingering from last week. The 2 2nd winter Glaucous Gulls also remained in the south of the Island, and the 5 Whooper Swans were still in the north. A Pochard on Ancum was new and Tufted Ducks increased to 42. Also new in were an adult male Hen Harrier, 4 Woodcocks in Holland House gardens and 201 Purple Sandpipers counted on the coast was the highest of the year. A few Robins have arrived with at least 7 now present, while 16 Fieldfare and 18 Redwing were noted.
Dark Iceland Gull or Kumlien's Gull? Poor photo's taken early this morning, any comments welcome.
Purple Sandpipers