21st-22nd January

A strong easterly wind, touching gale force on the 22nd appears to have influenced a few arrivals. After a handful had been seen in Shetland the day before, it wasn't that surprising when 2 Tundra Bean Geese were found with the Greylags west of the Kirk on 21st. By 22nd at least 4 were present with 2 new singles (also Tundra) around the middle of the Island and what was thought to be the original pair on the west side. Along a similar theme, the Greenland White-fronted Goose and 4 Pink-footed Geese were seen again on the first date, while the Canada Goose and Green-winged Teal were seen on both. There was also some evidence of other new birds on 22nd with 4 Woodcocks and 6 Fieldfares along the sheltered western side.

Tundra Bean Geese
