15th January

The first day back in the field of 2015 was a blustery affair, with a strong southerly wind making for difficult birding (but we're used to that!). Leftovers from last year included the drake Green-winged Teal in flooded fields near Gretchen and the juvenile Greenland White-fronted Goose still near the school. Considering the conditions there were relatively few Gulls than expected but a 1st winter Glaucous Gull was in fields at Hooking and a storm driven Little Gull fed in the swell off Bridesness. There were also 2 Black-tailed Godwits at the latter site, registering the species third consecutive year wintering on the island while a Grey Plover in fields with a flock of Golden Plovers was odd. At least 2 Hen Harriers were seen while passerines were limited to the occasional Thrush, 40 Twite, 54 Snow Buntings and a lingering Chaffinch.

Little Gull
