6th to 7th June

Though it was obvious from the onset of the 6th the majority of the previous nights migrants had moved on, there were birds to see with a few new arrivals unearthed too. An Icterine Warbler at Kirbest was the best find (and still present there on 7th) with a flava Wagtail at Howar also new. Totals for the day came to 64 Knot, 4 Black-tailed Godwits, 11 House Martins, the Black Redstart, a handful of warblers, 11 Spotted Flycatchers and a Tree Sparrow. The 7th brought more excitement with an early morning Nightjar discovered in Holland gardens. Formerly a great rarity seven of the previous eighteen records were been found between 2012-2014 and after a little confusion over the sexes it transpired that there were actually 2 Nightjars present (male and female) taking the total to 20 records (9 in 4 years!). Other newcomers included a male Red-backed Shrike at South Ness, female Hen Harrier roaming, a 1st summer Little Gull, 2 Robins, 2 Common Redpolls, a few new warblers while the Pink-footed Goose was seen again.

Nightjars (All 3 photos Stephen Rutt) 

Icterine Warbler (photo George Gay) 
Spotted Flycatcher (photo Molly Laban) 
Black Redstart (photo Stephen Rutt)
