22nd September

A light north-easterly wind did the trick, bringing a long overdue rarity (although recently downgraded in status by several influxes) in the form of a Blyth's Reed Warbler in the weedy fields at Senness. This the thirteenth island record and first since 2013 remained elusive so was trapped and ringed to confirm identification beyond any doubt. At least 13 Yellow-browed Warblers were present and some of these were likely to be new individuals following yesterdays major arrival. A Rosefinch at Breck was probably the bird seen at the weekend and the Red-breasted Flycatcher remained in Holland gardens. Also seen on the passerine front were 3 Whinchats, 51 Wheatears, 2 Fieldfares, 6 Song Thrushes, the first Redwing of the autumn, a Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Garden Warblers, 9 Blackcaps, 3 Goldcrests and 164 Snow Buntings. A mobile Wood Sandpiper was probably new, at least 4 (possibly 8) Little Stints remained at the north end, a Jack Snipe was at Ancum Willows and Black tailed Godwits and Ruffs increased to 29 and 11 respectively.

Blyth's Reed Warbler (photo Espen Quinto-Ashman) 
Yellow-browed Warbler (photo Stephen Rutt)
Blackcap (photo George Gay)
