13th and 14th April

A calmer couple of days albeit with the still brisk wind remaining steadfastly cold and firmly in the NW; there was however some signs of wildfowl on the move with many species showing increased counts around the lochs on the 13th including the first 3 Garganey (a drake and 2 females) of the year on Hooking along with island figures of 2 Whooper Swans, 22 Pink-footed Geese (with a flock of 19 near Howar), 783 Greylag Geese, 9 Gadwall, 18 Shoveler and 30 Tufted Duck while the single Goldeneye remained and 6 Red-throated Divers and 15 Great-northern Divers were counted on calmer seas.

                A few wader species were also up including 274 Oystercatchers, 343 Golden Plover, 154 Purple Sandpipers and 409 Turnstone while a Water Rail was squealing away in Brides.    Landbirds of note largely consisted of lingering birds but some turnover was evident with counts of 6 Woodpigeons, 7 Rock Pipits, 57 Pied Wagtails, 3 Robins, 33 Wheatears, 52 Redwing, 3 Lapland Buntings and single Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Snow Bunting.

Merlin,  photo Simon Davies

                The 14th was a pretty nice day with plenty of sunshine but also plenty of showers to keep us on our toes; the first Swallow of the year was the most notable new arrival while the rest of the dayā€™s highlights consisted of lingering quality with the Northern Harrier drifting around, the Green-winged Teal still on Gretchen and a pair of Garganey still on Hooking.

                Other birds of note in no particular order consisted of 3 Merlins, the huge, young female Peregrine again, 5 Woodpigeons, a bit of a corvid influx with 3 Rooks and 6 Carrion Crows, 43 Redwing, a smart male Brambling, an increased roost count of 170 Linnets, 5 Snow Buntings and the 3 Lapland Buntings still.
Bar-tailed Godwit,  photo Simon Davies

'perhaps you should check the wind direction before vomiting on someone'?!
