4th and 5th May
Damp in the morning of the
4th but it brightened up later in the day; the birding doldrums
continued though with another quiet day in field as migrants on the land
consisted of single Sparrowhawk and Merlin, 5 Whimbrel, a Woodpigeon, 3
Collared Doves, 13 Sand Martins, 29 Swallows, a Rock Pipit, a White Wagtail, 44
Wheatears, a Redwing, 3 Chiffchaffs, a Brambling and the only notable event of
the day ā a bit of a corvid arrival including 19 Hooded Crows and 27 Carrion
Other little bits included a Manx Shearwater
offshore, the Kumlienās Gull still and the steadily increasing Arctic Terns,
today reaching a count of 131.
Bright and sunny on the 5th with some good
wader counts dominating the log which comprised 127 Ringed Plovers, 412
Sanderling, 70 Bar-tailed Godwits, 7 Whimbrel and 357 Turnstone; along with
these 202 Arctic Terns was another increase, a female Garganey was on Ancum
where the Whooper Swan remained while 18 Shoveler was a good count and 4
Long-tailed Ducks were still offshore.
Land migrants included a Merlin, 4 Woodpigeons, a Collared
Dove, a Short-eared Owl, 18 Sand Martins, 2 Rock Pipits, 51 Wheatears, a
Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaffs, a Goldcrest, a Rook, 5 Carrion Crows, 2 Goldfinches, a
Common Redpoll and a smart male Brambling in full song at the Obs.
Arctic Skua Simon Davies
Mixed waders Simon Davies