21st October

A rough day with a strong SW wind and a very wet morning but some sunshine in the afternoon; there were a couple of surprise reappearances through the day with the Little Egret found again walking down a track at Southness before flying off and disappearing almost immediately ā€“ god knows where its been since it was last seen on the 12th (is it even the same bird?) and the ringed Common Rosefinch seen again near Brides ā€“ it was ringed at Holland on the 6th and last seen on the 14th.

                Other migrants across the land included 2 Hen Harriers, 2 Kestrels, 4 Merlin, 49 Skylark, 9 Robins, the Redstart still up at the Lighthouse, 5 Wheatears, 198 Redwing, 7 Song Thrush, 17 Chaffinch, 24 Brambling, 16 Twite, 3 Snow Buntings, the 4 Yellowhammers still and 10 Reed Buntings.

                Also of note were 7 Red-throated Divers, 5 Great-northern Divers, 14 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Barnacle Geese and 7 Pintail with single Arctic Skua and Bonxie offshore.

Snow Bunting

