16th November

A gorgeous day with very light SSW winds and almost wall to wall sunshine; we were unfortunately back down to a single observer but efforts with the nets at Holland really produced the goods as the islandā€™s second HUMEā€™S WARBLER was heard calling shortly after dawn and caught soon after, it was still present in the evening, calling frequently again just at dusk.

                Other birds through the day around the southern end of the island with a little look around Torness, Lenswick and Westness included 2 Red-throated Divers, 5 Herons, 5 Pink-footed Geese, the Barnacle Goose, the Green-winged Teal still on Gretchen, 2 Goldeneye south past Trinley (very scarce so far this autumn), 2 Hen Harriers, single Merlin and Kestrel, a Woodcock, a Black-headed Gull, 7 Meadow Pipits, 6 Rock Pipits, 4 Robins, a Song Thrush, a Chiffchaff, 5 Chaffinches, a Brambling, 4 Linnets, 26 Twite, a Common Redpoll and 3 Snow Buntings.

Hume's Warbler                        Simon Davies
