27th January

An overcast day with a moderate NW wind and a few showers coming through from time to time; it was quiet in the field with the highlights of a walk round the coast from The Obs to The Links comprising a Woodcock along the wall on Bridesness Point and an adult male Peregrine north along the coast at Stennabreck.   Other totals included 75 Cormorants, 4 Herons, the Eurasian White-fronted Goose still, 2 Shelduck, 247 Wigeon, 174 Teal, 9 Shoveler, 10 Long-tailed Ducks, 5 Red-breasted Mergansers, a Hen Harrier, 223 Lapwings, 142 Purple Sandpipers, 59 Dunlin, the 5 Ruff still at Hooking, 64 Snipe, 147 Redshank, 93 Rock Doves, 5 Skylarks, 6 Fieldfare, 16 Redwing, 52 Snow Buntings and 4 Reed Buntings

                A little drive up to the north end in the afternoon then produced the drake Smew back on Bewan (reports suggest heā€™s been spending time on Sanday), 2 Goldeneye and 2 Pintail.

Wigeon and big seas
