25th-27th February
A differing three days of weather has included pretty much all the elements, but the predominant factor has been the wind, making everything that little bit colder.
Bird wise there hasn't been much in the way of change but that's to be expected in February. Great Northern Divers in Nouster and two in Linklet on the 26th and 27th were the only Divers present around the island. Wildfowl numbers were also pretty steady, the three Shelduck remained between and Ancum and Gretchen while up to three Pink-footed Geese, including the long staying bird at Rue have been hanging around with Greylags one of which seems somewhat paler than the rest. The Green-winged Teal remains in its favoured haunt on Gretchen.
A quick sea-watch on the 27th was labelled so for reason but provide a lone Kittiwake. Two Hen Harriers have been throwing themselves around the island, while a Merlin on the 25th and a Peregrine the next day at Brides completed the raptor list for period.
Wader numbers are still good with up to 120 Purple Sandpipers on the island. Golden Plover have seemingly began to return with the flock slowly growing in size daily, it's now up to just over 80 birds.
The Glaucous Gulls are still in situ at Brides, Bewan and Westness while we're hoping something else drops in with them!
Passerine wise things have been predictably quiet, Skylark numbers are building, a couple of wintering Robins at Lenswick and the Obs have resurfaced in the last day or so and the Twite flock is still hanging around the Funny Park. Other than all of that its business as usual on the birding side of things and we await the joys of Spring migration.