The 14th bought about a day of thick fog and very little in the way of new migrants. The only new additions were 4 Spotted Flycatchers on the West Coast. A singing Marsh Warbler in the Willows at Ancum proved to be the bird initially ringed on 31st May and has now put on a significant amount of fat. Elsewhere the Rosefinch remained around the obs and also managed put on a few grams!
The 15th was possibly one of the weirdest days we've had in a while but nonetheless was still slightly disappointing in search of that final Spring goodie! The day started with a very unseasonal female Common Redstart around the obs croft, the Rosefinch was also present. Up to 5 Spotted Flycatchers were hanging around the island. Ancum had a few surprises in store too, a trio of Grey Herons were hanging around the irises at the back of the loch while a Wood Sandpiper was feeding in the muddy edges of the loch.
A Swift whizzed South through Westness and later in the day two birds were whizzing around the house at Holland, finally another unseasonal migrant in the form of a Brambling was feeding near Antabrek.
Swift GG
Surely we'll get a Rosy any day now....right? |