Predictably things have been quite quiet with migration having pretty much ceased. A spell of terrible weather on the 5th meant any breeding bird work was put on hold. The adult Little Gull was sat with no fewer than 350 Kittiwakes on the grass in front of the sea-watch hide as was a second calendar year Arctic Skua. Golden Plovers have been returning slowly with numbers climbing to just over 200 in various locations across the island. A good passage of Manx Shearwaters over past few days has seen over 150 birds pass the sea-watch hide, other sea-watch highlights from the past four days include a dark phase Pomarine Skua and a 'blue' phase Fulmar on the 6th and 2 Sooty Shearwaters on the 8th. The Great White Egret has remained on Hooking feeding in the Mares Tails over the past four days.
Arctic Skua GG
Great White Egret GG
Little Gull in disguise GG