24th - 29th October

 A few days of blazing easterlies have produced plenty of migrants, given us lots of late season birding and even a mega-rarity, but more on that later!

The 24th, which seems an eternity ago in the world of late October birding, started with a late Barred Warbler around the obs before the Goldcrests started arriving en-masse. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was by T5 in the afternoon, as was a Hawfinch at Sangar, a female 'Northern' Bullfinch in Holland and a flock of 35 Redpoll in the Shooting Gallery. The star bird was an interestingly pale Great Grey Shrike found near Bewan, it was watched devouring Goldcrests almost on arrival, it was later trapped further down the island at Ancum Willows, but not before it had eaten a Redpoll and part of George's hand for good measure!

                                          Great Grey Shrike and an unfortunate Goldcrest - GG

A quiet morning the following day saw the Great Spotted Woodpecker remain in the vicinity of the obs, another 'Northern' Bullfinch at Howar and a Grey Wagtail at Trebb. A Hawfinch was seen at Holland in the early afternoon before a year-list breaking Dusky Warbler was discovered at West Beach hopping around the rocks, only for another to be discovered about 20 minutes later at Senness! The day also saw an astonishing 180+ Redpoll throughout the island! The Woodlark was seen at North Gravity while a Yellowhammer was at South Gravity to end a landmark day in observatory year listing!

                                                      Record Breaker! - Dusky Warbler - GG

A day of rain and wind on the 26th meant birding was at a minimum, a Stonechat and Black Redstart were together at Poor Man's Corner, the Woodlark and Stock Dove remained while a new Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Nether Linnay. Our first male Bullfinch of the influx narrowly avoided becoming roadkill as it flashed across the path of the obs van near Holland, but eventually showed superbly in the Sycamores despite the horizontal rain. Late news in the evening of a Coal Tit near T5 put the island running total into near double figures, as this amazing influx continues, although it seems to be dying down now.

The 27th was a very quiet day, although a smart Coue's Arctic Redpoll in the Shooting Gallery did brighten the day considerably! The late afternoon was spent chasing around a Yellowhammer and another Bunting, both birds were very flighty to start with but eventually settled down revealing a second Yellowhammer, much to our frustration! 

                                                                Coue's Arctic Redpoll - GG

The 28th saw the highlight bird of the period as an Oriental Turtle Dove was flushed from cover near Lurand just before lunchtime, the bird managed to escape staff for a further three hours after its disappearance and took up a large portion of the day before it re-discovered in the same spot. It then spent what remained of the day bombing around giving awkward views that left us frustrated but altogether very pleased to have had a really good bird in this set of easterlies! Otherwise the bird totals were very much 'singing from the same hymn sheet' with a total of five Bullfinches present, the Coue's Arctic Redpoll remained in place at the Shooting Gallery and an unseasonal Ring Ouzel was at North Gravity.

                                                                 Oriental Turtle Dove - GG

Finally the 29th started and finished with the Oriental Turtle Dove giving typical in flight views, although a short perching session on a dyke was appreciated! Other birds for the day included 12 Short-eared Owls, this included eight flushed from Loch Park, the now long-staying Stock Dove was present in its usual haunt, six Bullfinch, a Hawfinch around the obs, another Ring Ouzel this time at Iris Taing and a third Yellowhammer of the week.

                                                                Oriental Turtle Dove - GG

                                           Some bonus Great Grey Shrike content! - GG

The wind still seems easterly for the foreseeable future and it's late October so who knows what's going happen!! 



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