23rd - 26th September

23rd was one of our biggest days for migrants so far this autumn, with a total of 20 Yellow-browed Warbler, one Rosefinch, two Barred Warbler, six Lesser Whitethroat, two Garden Warbler, five Blackcap, three Chiffchaff, six Willow Warbler, and one Goldcrest scattered about the island. The first Tree Sparrow of the autumn turned up of the feeders at the farmhouse, and a total of four Song Thrush were found. A midday sea watch produced a Pomarine Skua, 25 Sooty Shearwater, and 17 Manx Shearwater. A group of four Siskin were at Holland as well as a Kestrel, and a Short-eared Owl was at Sandar along with a Jack Snipe at Westness.
Similar migrants, but fewer of them were present on 24th. The Long-billed Dowitcher was seen again both on Trolla and at the back of Vincoin, and the Little Bunting in Kirbest Mire remained. A Tree Sparrow was in the Shooting Gallery. The bird of the day however was undoubtedly a Lanceolated Warbler found near Ancum that was later trapped and ringed.
On 25th, one Barred Warbler was at the obs and one was at Holland, four Siskin went south over the surgery, and a single Lesser Whitethroat was at Antabreck. A Red-breasted Flycatcher was found in Ancum Willows, and two Brambling were in the north-west corner of the island, one of which was later trapped in Ancum Willows.
26th produced an unexpected star bird in the form of a Brown Shrike found in Holland late in the day. Also present were a male Brambling at Ancum, a Chiffchaff at Garso, a Lesser Whitethroat at Lochend, Yellow-browed Warblers at Newbiggin, Holland, and the obs, and the Long-billed Dowitcher was seen once again on Trolla. The first Redwing of the autumn was at Garso.

Brown Shrike - CG

Yellow-browed Wabler - CG


Pete Marsh saidā€¦
Hi have you checked bulrush wainscot for scarce arches šŸ˜„