11th and 12th December

A walk around the north of the island on 11th found more Whooper Swans to have arrived with 13 now on Garso Loch with the 3 Mute Swans. A lone Pink-footed Goose at Rue was also a new arrival, while the 5 Tundra Bean Geese and at least 19 European White-fronted Geese were still around. On Ancum Loch there were now 4 Pochards, while the 2 Scaups remained with 19 Tufted Ducks. The 12th saw some Gull interest at last with a juvenile Iceland Gull and a juvenile Glaucous Gull seen, the latter lingering off Twingness for most of the morning. A Merlin was was seen on both dates and 16 Twite were in the Observatory crop on 12th.

Glaucous Gull off Twingnessļ»æ
