Early January
Apologies for the lack of any sightings recently, ornithological staff have been away from the Island for the last month and have only just returned. With fine weather forecast for the weekend we'll be having a thorough thrash around the Island to see whats about and will be updating the sightings page regularly again. Casual sightings over the last couple of days include 6 Tundra Bean Geese and 20 European White-fronted Geese with the Greylags, and in-line with the current influx into the Northern Isles up to 7 Iceland Gulls have been present along with 2 Glaucous Gulls.
We are also currently experiencing technical difficulties with the website and have thus far been unable to update our prices for 2012 so please call 01857 633200 or contact alison@nrbo.prestel.co.uk for details and booking enquiries.
Iceland Gull
ļ»æGlaucous Gull
We are also currently experiencing technical difficulties with the website and have thus far been unable to update our prices for 2012 so please call 01857 633200 or contact alison@nrbo.prestel.co.uk for details and booking enquiries.