17th January
A male Chaffinch was the first of the year and an unexpected passerine highlight. Otherwise it was white-winged Gulls which dominated once again with 4 Iceland Gulls (2 adults and 2 immatures), plus a 2nd winter bird unfortunately found dead and at least 1 Glaucous Gull (1st winter) was seen at various sites during the day. 1229 Greylag Geese was a high winter count for the Island but just 23 European White-fronted Geese were with them today. The Scaup remained on Ancum Loch and 202 Teal were counted, most of which were on Bridesness along with 18 Shovelers and 3 Pintails. 38 Dunlins were on the beach at Nouster along with 60 Ringed Plovers, and 2 ring-tail Hen Harriers, a female Merlin and the immature male Peregrine were all noted again.
ļ»æWith several days of calm, fine weather we've even been tempted to put the mist-nets back up in the Holland House gardens to try and catch some of the 30 or so Redwings wintering there. All those which have so far been trapped and ringed have been of the slightly larger, darker Icelandic race 'coburni'.