31st January
The final day of the month was the coldest of the year so far with a brisk south-easterly wind blowing all day. A single Greenland White-fronted Goose was a new arrival accompanying 62 European White-fronted Geese in the middle of the Island, and a count of 1315 Greylag Geese was made. A 2nd winter Iceland Gull was near the Lighthouse and at least one 2nd winter Glaucous Gull was seen. Some wildfowl numbers increased with 9 Pintails and 23 Shovelers the most notable, while the 5 Whooper Swans remained and there were now 8 Mute Swans present. Singles of Peregrine and Merlin were around Twingness and 17 Twite were still in the Observatory crop.
Iceland Gull