24th and 25th January

Sightings on 24th were much the same as recent days with the 2nd winter Iceland Gull still near the lighthouse and the 2nd winter Glaucous Gull still at the south end. 2 Peregrines were seen together and a ringtail Hen Harrier was seen again. In strong southerly winds on 25th there were many more Gulls at the north end with a mixed flock of c300 Herring Gulls and Great-black backed Gulls joined by a 1st winter Glaucous Gull there. Two Iceland Gulls were seen in Nouster Bay, a 2nd winter and an adult which at a distance appeared to show features of Kumlien's Gull, but disappeared towards Stromness Point before it could be confirmed. A Woodcock was near the Observatory and 40 Twite were still around.

This Wigeon was the highlight of a late night dazzlingļ»æ session, it was just the 10th to have been ringed on North Ronaldsay and the first since 2000. More routine fare trapped and ringed were plenty of Turnstones, Purple Sandpipers and singles of LapwingRinged Plover, Oystercatcher and Snipe
