5th-6th June

A mixture of glorious sunshine and fog, on a light easterly breeze has led to some new arrivals so its a shame we've only managed 25% island coverage each day. The highlight of the 5th was our second Nightjar of the year-this time a female which showed brilliantly at Holland House perching on walls and fence-posts in the morning. The Glossy Ibis re-appeared at Hooking once again with a female Red-backed Shrike nearby at Holm, a flyover 'flava' Wagtail, female Crossbill, new Lesser Whitethroat and 5 more Woodpigeons. The 3 Little Gulls remained in the Gretchen area on both dates, while new passerines on 6th were headlined by 2 more Red-backed Shrikes-a male in the Kirbest crop and a female near the airfield. 4 Spotted Flycatchers were also present, along with a Tree Sparrow, 6 Siskins and the Crossbill remained. The first 3 returning Golden Plovers were back with us with 47 Knot still feeding on the rotting weed along the west coast and 8 Black-tailed Godwits at Ancum.


