7th June

A few new arrivals on a day which began murky but cleared to a pleasant afternoon with more of a breeze than of late. There were 3 Red-backed Shrikes seen-a pair at Holland Gardens in the evening and an additional female at Parkhouse. The Quail was still singing in the middle of the island with 2 of the Little Gulls still on Gretchen, 11 Black-tailed Godwits were now at Ancum and just like in previous days a few new common Warblers were also noted.

In the afternoon, we entered Hooking Loch to ring Black-headed Gulls and Greylag Geese chicks. Fewer young Geese than usual were found but 26 Gull chicks were ringed with many thought to be less than a week from fledging. Pictures from the visit are on our Facebook page.
There have been at least 4 Red-backed Shrikes on the island in the last few days (with the female at Holland House today a likely 5th). This 'grey-headed' female being an easy individual to keep track of as they roam about the place.
