11th-13th February

A little bit of change the last few days with some spring like weather even encouraging a few birds to sing or display. Skylarks were heard in song on a glorious 11th and a couple were noted passing out to sea south-east on 13th so the signs that winter may be giving way are certainly there. There was also much excitement early on 12th when a Woodpigeon was seen outside the observatory and this was followed the next day by our second Brambling of the winter at Bridesness. The same 2 Glaucous Gulls continue to roam around the island while the drake Green-winged Teal remains and was even seen displaying among a group of half a dozen drake Teal on 11th!! Shelduck have built up to 6 and an influx of Waders to the wet fields at the south end of the island included 8 Knot, 68 Dunlin and 59 Ringed Plover with the Grey Plover also in attendance. Meanwhile, 43 Fieldfares and 20 Redwings were counted on 12th and 24 Twite included a dozen caught and ringed in the newest Heligoland trap.

Glaucous Gulls
And a shocking photo through a dirty window of the Woodpigeon-but it was quite exciting!!
