1st -5th February
Well the weather has definitely improved, with the wind easing proving particularly welcome and there was even a bit of sunshine on 3rd. Lingering highlights were the drake Green-winged Teal at Bridesness (5th), the juvenile Glaucous Gull around the Observatory/Nouster (1st, 3rd and 5th), 2 different Tundra Bean Geese with singles still at Westness (3rd-4th) and the School (5th) and the Greenland White-fronted Goose near Greenwall (3rd and 5th). Calm sea's on the 5th allowed a good look around the south and east coast of the island and yielded a good winter total of 17 Great Northern Divers with 2 Red-throated Divers also seen and Black Guillemots much more evident with 36 offshore. The Wigeon x American Wigeon hybrid was off Bridesness again and other wildfowl tally's from that part of the island came to 247 Wigeon, 181 Teal, 45 Mallards, 12 Shovelers and the Pochard was seen again. 3 Whooper and 4 Mute Swans remain and raptors have been well represented with up to 3 Hen Harriers (including an adult male 3rd), a male Peregrine and 2 Merlins. Passerines remain few and far between but up to 40 each of Fieldfare and Redwings, the Chaffinch, Linnet and at least 16 Snow Buntings were all seen during the period.
Long-tailed Duck