24th to 25th June

Without doubt the best two days of the year weather wise as the island was baked in wall to wall sunshine on both dates. A well appreciated adult Black Tern on the beach at Nouster with a flock of 80 non-breeding Arctic Terns for a few hours on 24th was the highlight and becomes just the thirteenth island record but only the second since 2003. There was also a singing Quail nearby in the fields between there and Holland gardens, which was still present the next day. Also on 24th, a cracking, pink Mealy Redpoll was at Holland with singles of Collared Dove and Chiffchaff also thought to be new. Despite news of a few migrants on nearby Fair Isle, the 25th was a little quite for us with just a late Tree Pipit at Cruesbreck the only certain newcomer. A Marsh Warbler at Holland gardens may have been a lingering bird meanwhile the first Painted Lady butterfly of the year on the west coast may hint at the possibility of more arrivals in the forthcoming easterly winds?

 Black Tern (top photo Molly Laban, bottom MW)

Wheatear (photo Molly Laban)


Unknown said…
Very nice to get a Black Tern - they seem rarer than hen's teeth here. I particularly liked your flight photo, Mark - the way that you've very artistically got the BT just in the photo shows real photographic prowess.
Brett said…
The body plumage of that Black Tern looks very black. Knowing what this Spring has been like, was American Black Tern ruled out?