16th July - 20th July

The 18th brought the island's fourth ever record of a Bee-eater, found over Westness and watched drifting in land towards the East Links, where it wasn't refound, but presumably was the bird seen on Sanday the next day. This follows just two months after the island's third record was seen over three dates in late May.
Bee-eater photo by Samuel Perfect
A White-rumped Sandpiper was a surprise find at Sandsheen on the 20th - the second record for the island this year.
White-rumped Sandpiper photo by George Gay
Black Tern remains seen irregularly on the island, with sightings at Nouster and Westness on the 18th, whilst two Swifts were also seen on the 18th. Last week's Quail was heard on the 19th and the Whooper Swan remained on its usual lochs on all dates. Redpoll numbers peaked at 23 on the 16th, tailing off to 14 on the 18th and 11 on the 19th. A Ruff was present at the Post Office flash on the 20th.

A busy night of trapping on the 19th/20th resulted in 114 Storm Petrels, with 3 controls and 111 new birds, with one having unusual leucism. Amongst the Storm Petrels, 1 Leach's Petrel was trapped and ringed.
Storm Petrel photo by Stephen Rutt
A Hummingbird Hawkmoth was seen at Holland gardens on the 18th and at Ancum on the 20th.


Alban saidā€¦
Hi, based on this single pic, jizz seems odd for a pectoral sandpiper, better for white-rumped? Apparently black legs (and bill), relatively (as compared to pec) sparsely streaked breast and densely streaked flanks. Difficult to judge wing length, may be a bit shorter than average WR, but seems compatible. Thank you and kind regards, I like your blog very much!