The wind swung easterly briefly and brought rain and a
Red-necked Phalarope to the island on the 10th. A nice male, it showed well on the post office flash and pond by Scots Ha before moving to the Nouster area on the 11th. A Green Sandpiper instead took up residence on the post office flash on the 11th, whilst a Swift was seen high over Bridesness on the same day. Meanwhile the
Black Tern made a reappearance amongst the Arctic Tern flocks at Bewan Loch on the 9th. Golden Plover numbers keep building: 187 on the 10th became 328 on the 11th.
Black Tern photo by Molly Laban |
Red-necked Phalarope photo by Molly Laban |
A small arrival of 10 Silver Y moths was also
noted on the 11th in unexpectedly summery conditions.