17th October
Cloud overnight and a light south-westerly wind saw an impressive arrival of Redwings (many now appearing to be of the coburni race) during the first few hours of the day lead to a busy ringing session at Holland gardens as birds literally pirouetted out of the sky. Of the 518 birds logged for the day 140 were caught and ringed though other thrush numbers remain with 56 Blackbirds, 17 Fieldfares and 10 Song Thrushes recorded. Both the Northern Harrier and Richard's Pipit were still present and plenty of Greylag Geese passed during the day with 589 counted and 14 Barnacle Geese and 13 Whooper Swans also flew south. Other migrants included 44 Meadow Pipits, 27 Rock Pipits, a Dunnock, 6 Robins, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 14 Blackcaps, 2 Yellow-browed Warblers, 9 Chiffchaffs, a Siberian Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, 42 Goldcrests and 13 Bramblings. There was also an impressive feeding flock of 2000 Gannets off the north and west coasts which were perhaps responsible for attracting at least 1 Killer Whale which showed well, albeit briefly off Westness in the afternoon.
Skylark (photo George Gay)