24th-25th October

Despite heavy rain in the morning, a handful of new birds were found on the 24th the best of which was a juvenile Glaucous Gull which passed the north end in the morning. There were a few more passerines present than of late including a Dunnock, 111 Redwings, a late (possibly latest ever) Whitethroat at Ancum Willows, a few each of Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Goldcrest, the Tree Sparrow again, 142 Snow Buntings and 28 Twite. The male Northern Harrier was seen on both days as was the Whimbrel and there was also a Goldeneye and 9 Long-tailed Ducks seen on the 24th. The 25th was quieter with not much to report passerine wise but seen around the Lochs and Bays were 24 Whooper Swans, 7 Pintails, 10 Gadwalls and a late Arctic Tern while in an hours sea-watch passed 6 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 more Storm Petrels, a Puffin, 494 Kittiwakes and 204 Auk sp.

Arctic Tern (photo Espen Quinto-Ashman)
