12th and 13th August

Bright sunshine through the 12th with a promising easterly breeze but it was a fairly quiet day in the field with no real landbird arrivals although the first Merlin of the autumn was dashing around and a female Crossbill at Ancum finally made it onto the yearlist; other birds on the land included a Black Redstart, the two over-summering Fieldfares and the juvenile Hen Harrier.

                Wader counts through the day comprised 777 Golden Plover, 114 Lapwing, 119 Sanderling, 169 Dunlin, 3 Ruff, 2 Whimbrel, 89 Curlew and 160 Redshank while there were still 915+ Arctic Terns present around the island and 4 Rissoā€™s Dolphins were off the east side.

                With light easterlies and some cloud cover coming and going on the 13th it was classic conditions for the first decent birding day of the autumn which started early with a beautiful, fresh juvenile Common Nightingale plucked out of a mist-net at Holland House ā€“ an odd record as it was only the eighth record for the island and just the second in autumn.   The day carried on at its relaxed but exciting pace with the first Icterine Warbler of the year at Hooking and the first Barred Warbler of the year at North Gravity.

                A good sprinkling of other migrants across the island comprised 26 Black-tailed Godwits on Ancum, 4 Ruff, the Hen Harrier, the Kestrel, the Merlin, a big female Peregrine, the Short-eared Owl, a new island record count of 64 Sand Martins in the Ancum area, 2 Black Redstarts, 48 Wheatears, a very juvenile looking Song Thrush trapped in Holland, 8 Sedge Warblers, a Garden Warbler, 8 Willow Warblers and a Pied Flycatcher.

Nightingale                     Simon Davies

A packed Linnet nest
