14th - 16th August

Drizzle and rain drifted in and out through the day on the 14th with the light SE wind swinging round into the SW; despite these promising conditions there was no sign of any more drifty landbirds after yesterdayā€™s arrivals with the highlights again being the two Roseate Terns showing well at the foghorn and one of the juvenile Mediterranean Gulls offshore at Bewan.   Other birds included a trickle of hirundines down the west coast comprising 140 Swallows, the first House Martin of the autumn and 6 Swifts, the Hen Harrier and Kestrel again, a Ruff, good high tide counts at the north end of 42 Purple Sandpipers and 247 Turnstone and 4 Willow Warblers the only leftovers from yesterday.

                The 15th and 16th then passed with barely a ripple as sunny conditions and a brisk SW wind were not conducive to producing many new arrivals; 5 Ruff were with 1,200+ Golden Plover in the Kirbest area, the Kestrel remained, the first juvenile Bar-tailed Godwits of the autumn sneaked in and the 2 Roseate Terns were again by the foghorn on the 16th.

Roseate Tern                                                Simon Davies

Hen Harrier                                            Simon Davies
