14th - 16th August
Drizzle and rain drifted
in and out through the day on the 14th with the light SE wind
swinging round into the SW; despite these promising conditions there was no
sign of any more drifty landbirds after yesterdayās arrivals with the
highlights again being the two Roseate Terns showing well at the
foghorn and one of the juvenile Mediterranean Gulls offshore
at Bewan. Other birds included a trickle
of hirundines down the west coast comprising 140 Swallows, the first House Martin
of the autumn and 6 Swifts, the Hen Harrier and Kestrel again, a Ruff,
good high tide counts at the north end of 42 Purple Sandpipers and 247
Turnstone and 4 Willow Warblers the only leftovers from yesterday.
The 15th and 16th then passed
with barely a ripple as sunny conditions and a brisk SW wind were not conducive
to producing many new arrivals; 5 Ruff were with 1,200+ Golden Plover in the
Kirbest area, the Kestrel remained, the first juvenile Bar-tailed Godwits of
the autumn sneaked in and the 2 Roseate Terns were again by the foghorn
on the 16th.
Roseate Tern Simon Davies
Hen Harrier Simon Davies