1st December

Slightly lighter winds through the day but with some longer spells of rain; birds seen during a walk round the southern part of the island included 3 Red-throated Divers, 2 Great-northern Divers, 2 Herons, 10 Whooper Swans (two family parties), the drake Green-winged Teal still on Gretchen where there were also 23 Shoveler (the highest count of the year), 12 Skylark, a Meadow Pipit, a Song Thrush, 7 Chaffinches still at the Obs, a Snow Bunting and a few birds still in the Kirbest sacrificial crop comprising 24 Twite, 7 Common Redpolls and 8 Reed Buntings.

Whooper Swan

Common Redpoll


needs you deserve saidā€¦
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