28th - 30th November

A rough few days with the wind switching back into the SW and picking up to gale force 8 for most of time, bringing heavy, stinging, driving rain for much of the time; coverage was understandably reduced (back down to one observer with little motivation to get out in the field!); wildfowl totals on the 30th included 4 Whooper Swans (three adults and a juvenile), 10 Gadwall, 4 Pintail, 16 Shoveler, 16 Tufted Duck, 4 Goldeneye and 5 Red-breasted Mergansers while the rough weather brought an influx of 550+ Herring Gulls and 270+ Great Black-backed Gull.   One of the lingering Kestrels was still present on the 28th and two Hen Harriers were still floating around on the 30th ā€“ one of which caught a Moorhen opposite the Post Office.


