9th October

A rough, very windy morning with frequent showers giving way to a not-so-rough afternoon with slightly fewer showers and some bright spells but still tough in the field; highlights comprised the Hornemannā€™s Arctic Redpoll still up at Nether Linney, the Great Grey Shrike still bombing around the island and a juvenile Little Gull feeding in the surf at Brides ā€“ only the second of the year.    There were some new birds to be had though, keeping us going out and about as totals included a Great-northern Diver past the Lighthouse (unusually scarce this autumn so far), 6 Heron, 128 Wigeon, 133 Teal, 3 Pintail, 8 Shoveler, 2 Long-tailed Ducks, the first Goldeneye of the autumn, 2 Hen Harriers, a Grey Plover, 2 Jack Snipe, 92 Snipe, a Woodpigeon, a Short-eared Owl, 2 Swallows, 24 Rock Pipits, 80 Meadow Pipits, 14 Robins, 9 Wheatears, 2 Ring Ouzels, 8 Fieldfares, 33 Song Thrush, 247 Redwing, the first Mistle Thrush of the autumn, the Eastern Lesser Whitethroat still lingering in Holland, 3 Blackcap, 5 Goldcrest, 5 Chaffinches, 3 Brambling, 5 Siskin, 2 Common Redpolls, a Lapland Bunting, 21 Snow Buntings and 13 Reed Buntings.

Little Gull                                                James Wilson
