10th - 12th November
mixed few days, nice and calm on the 10th, horrible blazing easterly
and driving rain on the 11th and then a cold northerly on the 12th;birds included the Green-winged
Teal still
on Gretchen throughout, 6 Goldeneye, up to 2 Hen Harriers and 4 Merlin, a Long-eared Owl at Holland at dusk on the
10th (very poor autumn so far), an influx of 22 Meadow Pipits on the
10th, 15 Fieldfare, a Mistle Thrush new on the 11th, still
2 Siberian Chiffchaffs (Funny Park and Garso), up
to 60 Twite still and a confusing, huge, pale Common Redpoll trapped at Holland
on the 10th ā almost an Arctic!
Almost-an-Arctic Redpoll