It'll possibly come as little shock to you that I'm running out of bad things to say about the weather, it's still mostly and quite windy, although we have had brief interruptions where the sun has managed to break through. The outlook for the latter half of the weekend onwards looks slightly more promising so we're clinging on to that.
The only real things of interest on the 13th were a Little Tern that spent a short amount of time sat in Nouster with up to 3 Sandwich Terns. Four Snow Buntings were dotted around, two at the obs and singles at Bewan and Lenswick.
The next bought a few more waders into the pictures with the count of Knot tripling overnight from 101 the previous day to 305 on the 14th. The first triple figure count of Dunlin also joined the Knot with 121 birds seen throughout the day. The highlights of the period also came on the 14th in the shape of a stunning adult Little Gull opposite Antabrek on a newly ploughed field and a Lesser Black-backed Gull at the lighthouse that was at least an
Intermedius if not a little better, but poor views, lack of charge in the camera and the birds vanishing skills played havoc with getting any resolution so it'll just have to be left for now!
The 15th was possibly the worst day weather wise and bird wise, an early sea-watch was fruitless in it's attempts for something more interesting while on the land a cold wind and occasional showers didn't make the birding all that inviting. Five Snow Buntings, three at Lenswick and the same pair at the Obs were joined on the island by solitary a Chiffchaff, Song Thrush and Carrion Crow.
Knot GG |
Sandwich Tern GG |
Little Gull GG |